Brandon Bless, Founding Board Member

Brandon Bless is our Land and Animal Manager. He works alongside our animal herds and plant communities to help regenerate our landscape and produce healthy, nutritious food for our human community. Brandon is one of our education mentors and is most involved in our partnership with the UVM Farmer Training Program. As one of our Bread & Butter Farm business directors, he helps manage the finances and joins the team steering the BBF vision. He leads projects in agroforestry, ag infrastructure, land conservation, and farm community housing.

Brandon Bless began Chrysalis Landworks in 2022, which is fundamentally structured around making hay, grazing animals, planting tree crops, and installing the necessary infrastructure for profitable and resilient farm systems. Brandon has worked in farming, forestry, and agroforestry since 2003 and began teaching regenerative agriculture experiential education in 2011.